Design for good.


The Aspect team are committed to environmentally sustainable design, both internally and in partnership with our suppliers.

Partnering with Italian designers Calligaris, who are aligned in their vision of using sustainable design to restore and preserve the beauty of our natural environment, we are able to bring a range of seating to the market that has been designed with the good of the environment in mind.


A great example of this stylish, yet sustainable design is the Calligaris Skin range, by designers Archirivolto.


This elegant and comfortable chair is the first injection chair made utilising a co-injection technology, with a recycled inner material and a polypropylene ‘skin’. For colours Matt White, Hemp and Nougat, the chair’s sustainability has been taken one step further – it’s external skin is made of 100% industrially recycled polyolefins.


This allows for products that are even more environmentally friendly, because they are produced from recycled industrial waste that would otherwise be destroyed. Scraps and industrial waste return to the production cycle as raw materials without compromising the aesthetic and functional aspects of the chair.


Skin is available as a stackable café chair or stool.

Jani du Preez